
Create - Help - Credits


Required Single Time Leaderboard Activation Url: https://scores.joyrider3774.xyz/Activate.php?game=[gameid]&hash=[hash]
[hash] is created by doing: hmac-sha1([gameid] + [secret_key], [secret_key])
note: hmac-sha1 should return the hash in a hex string not the bytes value

Unique Leaderboard url: https://scores.joyrider3774.xyz/DisplayScores?game=[gameid]

Unique Leaderboard json: https://scores.joyrider3774.xyz/leaderboard.json?game=[gameid]

Unique Manual Score Submission url: https://scores.joyrider3774.xyz/AddScoreVerify.php?game=[gameid]&score=[score]&verify=[verify]&name=[playername]
[verify] is created by doing: base64_encode(hmac-sha1([score] + [gameId] + [secret_key], [secret_key]))
note: hmac-sha1 should return raw value here in bytes and you base64 encode the bytes not the hmac-sha1 hex string
note: only [gameid] is required, players can fill in their name or even the verify on the webpage if you display it in your game

Unique http get score submission url: https://scores.joyrider3774.xyz/AddScoreVerify.php?game=[gameid]&name=[playername]&score=[score]&hash=[hash]
[hash] is created by doing: hmac-sha1([playername] + [score] + [gameid] + [secret_key], [secret_key])
note: hmac-sha1 should return the hash in a hex string not the bytes value

Unique Clear leaderboards scores url: https://scores.joyrider3774.xyz/ClearScores?game=[gameid]&hash=[hash]
[hash] is created by doing: hmac-sha1([gameid] + [secret_key], [secret_key])
note: hmac-sha1 should return the hash in a hex string not the bytes value

Unique Delete leaderboard url: https://scores.joyrider3774.xyz/ClearScores?game=[gameid]&hash=[hash]
[hash] is created by doing: hmac-sha1([gameid] + [secret_key], [secret_key])
note: hmac-sha1 should return the hash in a hex string not the bytes value

Score Submission example code repo: https://github.com/joyrider3774/scoresubmit